Frigid Friday here on the East Coast - What's Gnu?
Yep, it's cold here in Michigan. I brought Garfield kitty to work today, one of the ER PCA's gave him a home. 3 more kitties to find homes for. Katie said this is her first kitty and might take another one because an ER nurse said "you just have to get 2, it's a lot of fun". LOL
Well of course pets are more fun when you have at least 2.
No great plans this weekend, maybe I can get hubby to go shopping tomorrow and get some Christmas shopping done for the grandkids.
Hubby is making the cabinet for the bathroom now. It's going to be so nice when it's done.
Hugs and prayers all around for those in need. Pat R...may you have a speedy recovery and get your rest. Debbie
Good mornin' ya'll.
Such a cute kitty. When I see all these pictures and hear ya'll talk about your furbabies, I think maybe we should get a pet again. Then I rethink it and decide I am happy babysitting our son's dogs when they go out of town. Or my daughter's kitty when I am there. Our grandson has gotten a new bulldog puppy. He takes her everywhere with him. She was born on 9-11 so he named her Liberty (Libby). She is just precious.
Monica - so proud of you!! I'm confident that you will continue your success.
Well, I did it!! I scheduled my hip replacement surgery. It will be Jan. 24th!! I am so excited! When I am done with this the only pain I will have is the arthritis in my back. And that only bothers me when I get up out of a chair or bed. After I move a little the back pain goes away. My daughter won't need my babysitting services until April, so I have plenty of time to recover. WOO HOOT!!
Yesterday I made a bunch of pet beds. Fleece rounds with the edges tied (I'm sure you have all seen the blankets) and stuffed with fiberfill. I did sew around so if the edges come untied it will still look neat. All washable, of course. I'm sending 4 to my Sis. A big one for her dog and 3 smaller ones for her cats. My grandson wanted one in camo for his puppy. They go well with the chew toys made from left over fleece. Not sure what I'm gonna do with the 5 other ones I have. Maybe put them on Lejuene Yard Sales. Once I get started with something new, I go nuts!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!
Your pet beds sound great, maybe you should think of marketing them ;)
My Aunt, who lives in NC, had hip replacement surgery at the end of August, she did quite well, the hardest part was the first week she said. My hip has been bothering me for about 3 months now, but I think I'm too young to be doing anything but deal with the discomfort for now. . .
Have a great day!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Anyway, my friend likes making the beds, the Humane Society makes some money, and pet lovers are able to baby their pets - everyone benefits.
Have a great day.
Having a horrible day, starting with my paycheck being short due to the condo association garnishing my wages. Read my other post. Now I can't pay all my bills. I don't know what I'm going to do. I won't be able to pay rent when it comes around next paycheck. It won't be enough money. This stinks.
Back to work. I have one more Christmas gift to buy, off to Chicago on Tuesday, no money to spend when I get there but I'll get to see my family, maybe some friends. I need some family love.